Page 2 - Contact Autumn 2019.indd
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New High Kirk Staff

          I’m Clifford, 27 years old and have                  1) Who are you?
          grown up in High Kirk.  I’ve been serving in
          Islandmagee Presbyterian over the last year          I’m Steph, I’m 22 and I’m from Antrim. I am
          as their Youth, Children and Family Worker.          a Queen’s Graduate and a Former PCI Intern.
                                                               My Home church is Muckamore Presbyterian
          A few months ago, I was at an event and              where I was involved since I came to faith
          it became clear that I was being asked to            at 14. I’m a lover of a good Netflix series,
          move away from Islandmagee.  I didn’t know           music, cooking, travelling, everything
          where, but a week later I went to prophetic          Christmassy and, possibly most
          prayer, to hear from God, and the first thing        importantly, coffee.
          that was said was that there was a role that
          was specifically suited for me and I was to          2) What has brought you to High Kirk?
          step into it.  It still took me a while to
          accept that God was leading me to High               I have a heart for sharing the Gospel with
          Kirk, but I’m so excited He did.                     children and young people and after a year
                                                               interning with PCI felt a real calling to step
          My dream for youth and children in High Kirk         into children’s ministry. When I saw the
          is to see them move into a heart knowledge           position here I spent a lot of time praying
          of who God is, and who they are in Christ,           about it, talking to people about it and
          for the purpose of transformation in them            applied and I am really excited to begin.
          and through them.  I want to see a town
          being transformed by youth and children              3) What would you like to see both for the
          who are sure of who their Father is and His          children and High Kirk?
          passion to see people come to know Him.
          I’m excited to work with Steph over the next         I am passionate about relational and
          few years to see this dream become a reality         intergenerational ministry and so the vision
          and expectation in our Church.                       and dream that I have for our children is that
                                                               they would experience the love of Christ and
          Clifford White                                       a sense of belonging within the church
                                                               family in a welcoming, inclusive and fun
                                                               environment. That they would, from a young
                                                               age, know God not just in head knowledge
                                                               but in their hearts. I want children to feel
                                                               valued by their Heavenly Father but also by
                                                               their Church Family and as a Church that
                                                               we could get alongside our children, and our
                                                               young people, encouraging them as we all
                                                               journey together in Christ. I’m really looking
                                                               forward to working with Clifford in all of this
                                                               in the coming years.

                                                               Stephanie Houston

          Stephanie and Clifford commissioned
          1st September 2019
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