Page 6 - Contact Autumn 2019.indd
P. 6
As a band we have grown closer in
our faith, our talents and in our unity.
In preparation we prayed together
about all our worries and fears, read
devotionals, lifted one and other up and Without this foundation of faith,
finally worshiping together. Although support and training we wouldn’t have
the most important part of all of this been able to lead with such sensitivity,
was that we gave all the glory to our vulnerability and honesty that we lead
heavenly father and set our eyes upon with.
him, each and every day.
Personally, I have been pushed, stirred,
I am so thankful for all the training and challenged and inspired.
support that I have received over the
years from leading worship in church, It was such a privilege to see God stir
the Movement and other engagements. in the hearts of thousands of young
people, to welcome new brothers and
High Kirk has set such a firm foundation sisters into the kingdom of God and
in faith for many young people including witnessing chains being broken. I, for
myself. It is amazing all of the one, am so excited for everything that is
opportunities we have been given to come.
to be able to grow. Over 5 years ago
I lead worship in Ignite with this band Lauren Hood
of amazing disciples and over these 5
years we have grown, learnt and made
many mistakes.
I think the thing I learnt the most from
doing worship this year, and at Summer
Madness especially, was that we need
to remember to give every aspect of our
One of the best experiences of my life worship back to God. I know personally
so far. I’ll never forget what it was like I so often start to panic about making
to be able to worship God with the everything as perfect as it can be, and
talent He’s given me with so many with that worry I lose focus on God and
people. I learned from it that it doesn’t worship begins to seem like more of a
matter how well I play because it’s God performance. After this summer I
who has given me the ability to play definitely feel my worship is more
and in worship I just give back to Him. centred on God and knowing that what
we do as a band is for Him and Him
Jonny Hunter only; and that is pleasing to Him -
mistakes and all.
Ellen MacDonald