Page 8 - Contact Autumn 2019.indd
P. 8

The children’s behaviour could be
                                                              quite challenging, as hitting each other
                                                              seemed to them to be the best way to
                                                              make sure they got to spend time with
                                                              their favourite team member! All of us
                                                              desired to become Jesus’ hands and feet
              One of the highlights for the team was          and to use our limited time to show as
              the time spent at the play park located         much of Jesus’ love as we could by
              a 10-minute walk from the soup                  freely giving our time and attention.
              kitchen. We cleaned up the park by
              picking up as much rubbish and broken           We also spent several days working
              glass as we could, and spent time               with the staff of Life Community
              praying that the area would become              Services to clean and pack resources
              known as a safe haven for the children          in preparation for their relocation as
              who played there. Each of our young             well as assisting in their after-school
              people appeared to be “adopted” by a            club. Gender roles seemed to be very
              child during play times and enjoyed a           traditional as again, the boys were
              bond forged through countless smiles,           tasked with mainly manual labour
              piggy-back racing games, holding                while the girls assisted in the kitchen
              hands, carrying them on our shoulders           by cooking, cleaning and organising
              and singing all kinds of songs together.        food delivery for the satellite centres.
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