Page 9 - Contact Autumn 2019.indd
P. 9

We helped to distribute food and
             clothing, played games, helped with
             a homework club, and sang with the
             100+ children in the after-school club.
             One afternoon, the team were taken
             to different centres and were invited to
             share their testimony of how God has             Our evening Team Times redirected
             changed their lives, which they had              our focus from busily doing the tasks
             been considering through the Exodus              of ministry to praying and considering
             discipleship program.                            how the power of the Holy Spirit was
                                                              growing in each of us. Team members
             As we left Blanco for the last time, the         shared highlights and challenges met
             children sang “Go, Jesus; go, Jesus,             throughout the day, and prayed with
             go!” (a song we had taught them).                and encouraged each other. We were
             We left South Africa not knowing if              blessed to see growth in passion for
             any of them really knew Jesus and we             unity as believers, boldness in prayer,
             certainly didn’t learn enough Afrikaans          importance of personal testimony, and
             to be able to explain that Jesus is the          the depth of God’s faithfulness develop
             Son of God come down to earth to die             in each team member throughout our
             on the cross in substitution for our sinful      time together.
             deeds thereby delivering us from eternal
             death but through whom we have                   There are so many stories we can
             access to eternal life…but, seeds of             share, so please ask any of us about
             Jesus’ love for the nations have been            “Bambalela”, South Africa time, salty
             planted, both in their hearts and in our         waffles, Johannes, hands on head, or
             own. We pray that the children we held           “You are the mighty warrior” if you want
             in South Africa will come to believe in          to know more!
             Jesus so that a song the crazy Northern
             Irish people taught them will come to            Stephanie Beattie
             have a brand-new meaning!
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