Page 7 - Contact Autumn 2019.indd
P. 7

South Africa Team

            During our two weeks in South Africa,              While the boys were digging and
            our team was blessed with the                      carrying rocks, the girls made a simple
            opportunity to form relationships with             soup using a few packets of lentils, soup
            the children in the township of Blanco             mix and pasta. Costing just over £7,
            and partner with Life Community                    the soup fed over 40 children in poorer
            Services in George.                                parts of the township located only a
                                                               few streets away. Seeing children line
            In Blanco, we met with Stella, a South             up with plastic containers to receive
            African lady who offers community                  such a simple meal and knowing that
            support through running a soup                     this is not consistently being provided
            kitchen and holding Bible clubs. The               by their parents had a great impact
            boys were a great help in building a               on us.
            ‘French drainage system’ in preparation
            for a small extension to the local
            outreach centre.
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