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High Kirk South Africa Team 2019

          Stuart and Stephanie Beattie, Jonny Cochrane, Sam Hill,
          Jonny Hunter, Joseph Mawhinney, Rachel McCartney,
          Craig McClintock, Ben McKane, Eve Patterson, Adam Paul,
          Jack Spence, Amy Turner.

          “My time in South Africa has really
          helped me to grow in confi dence when                “South Africa has taught me that God
          sharing and talking about my faith. It               is giving us opportunities every day to
          has also shown me how we can show                    share his love even when we don’t see
          God’s love to others through small                   them sometimes. God also taught me
          things like a wave or a smile.” -                    how important relationships are and
          Eve Patterson                                        how he can work through them.” -
                                                               Jack Spence.
          “I was renewed with Jesus’ love in South
          Africa and also by the love of one                   “Our time in South Africa has taught
          another.” - Sam Hill                                 me that doing small things can make a
                                                               difference and can show God’s love.” -
          “South Africa taught me that no matter               Joseph Mawhinney
          what circumstance you are in that God
          is always faithful and He has always                 “Every part of South Africa was so
          got hold of you. Nothing is ever too big             special to me – showing love to kids
          for Him to handle.” – Amy Turner                     simply by playing with them for a few

                                                               hours; helping practically in the life
          “South Africa has taught me that joy is              centres or even in our evening
          not found in the possessions we have or              times where we all built amazing
          the things of man. Joy is found in Jesus             relationships with each other! I have
          and seeing others come to love Him.” –               never been so excited, scared, amazed
          Adam Paul                                            and humbled in my whole life. SA has

                                                               simply left me with beautiful
          “South Africa has taught me that God                 memories that I’ll never forget.” –
          wants to be a part of every single                   Rachel McCartney
          part of our lives and that he can work
          through us and use us in every situation
          that we fi nd ourselves in.” -
          Jonny Cochrane
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