Page 16 - Contact Summer 2020
P. 16
What are the benefits when we worship, does
it really make much difference?
In fact, it has three-fold benefi ts.
Firstly, on us as believers, it moves Finally, our worship silences the voice of
our focus from ourselves and the the enemy. We know that he tries to steal,
circumstances around us unto God. kill and destroy; he is the accuser, but our
Our worship magni es who He is, what He worship is a weapon against the enemy. The
has done and what He will do. We need to enemy hates worship, his desire was to be
bless the Lord at all times and His praise like God and ascend to the throne of God, but
should continually be in our mouths (Ps 34). no-one can take God’s place and our worship
It’s not just a matter of praising God when He to God is a constant reminder to him that
has answered our prayer; that is an immature he was cast out of Heaven for his rebellion.
faith. Jesus told the disciples whilst in the He hates it when we worship and glorify the
middle of a storm to be of good cheer, even name of the Lord. Ps 8 v 1-2 O Lord, our Lord,
before He said, do not be afraid. Miracles how excellent is thy name in all the earth!
happen when there is praise and worship. who hast set thy glory above the heavens.
After Paul and Silas had just been beaten Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings
severely and thrown into the depths of hast thou ordained strength because of thine
prison, they began worshipping God. They enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy
could’ve chosen to blame God. They were, and the avenger.
after all, jailed for doing the work of the Lord,
but no, they worshipped Him because they I trust that you have been blessed by the
loved Him. They weren’t trying to get worship each week, but please don’t wait for
anything; they weren’t performing or leading us; worship God in your own home. We have
anyone else in worship; it was just to their so many tools with YouTube, Spotify, CDs
beautiful Saviour. Then a supernatural and DVDs and even with none of these you
earthquake happened and lives came to can still worship Him. It doesn’t matter how
Christ. great your voice is, or how well or even if you
play an instrument, it’s all about your heart,
Secondly, our worship ministers to God. your desire to glorify and worship the King of
We can serve God in many di erent ways Kings and Lord of Lords.
including our time, our money and with our
gifts, but we can also serve God and minister
to Him through our worship. The Bible even
tells us that the earth and creation worship
Him, all of Heaven worships Him day and
night, night and day there is continuous
singing and worship. Just as we worship Him
and rejoice in Him, He also rejoices in us…
what a wonderful thought! Zep 3 v 17 The
Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior
who saves. He will take great delight in you; in
his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will
rejoice over you with singing.”