Page 20 - Contact Summer 2020
P. 20

Giving                                                 It doesn’t mean we will be exempt from all the

                                                                 sinful e ects of this fallen world. It’s not a give to
                                                                 get rich scheme. Giving is meant to be a joyful
          Like many of you in the midst of this                  expression of thanks to God from the heart, not
          COVID-19 outbreak, I’m incredibly concerned            a legalistic obligation. It’s a declaration! Give
          about  nances – my family  nances, the               joyfully as an outward expression of an inward
           nances of local businesses and the  nancial         commitment that Jesus is where our trust is
          outlook for the national economy. But even so, in       rmly rooted in this tumultuous season.
          the midst of these scary times, we are watching
          beautiful outpourings of generosity - families         Each man should give what he has
          looking out for their elderly neighbours;              decided in his heart to give, not
          increased donations to food banks like our very        reluctantly or under compulsion, for
          own Bob’s Store; people donating and even              God loves a cheerful giver.
          making masks for front line medical workers.           2 Corinthians 9:7, NIV
          It is encouraging to see humans respond to the
          needs around them in times of crisis.                  Just as we have had to do many things
                                                                 di erently because of the restrictions imposed
          During this unprecedented historical moment            by Covid-19, so some of our methods of giving
          full of countless unknowns, I want to encourage        to church have had to change as well. I, as
          all of us to continue giving to church. Church is      treasurer, set out the options open to you a
          not just some other nice charitable organization.      couple of weeks ago in the instructions included
          Something spiritually unique happens when we           with the Easter Contact. However, if you have
          give to church, something that goes far beyond         any questions or issues, please email me
          just helping to pay the salaries of the pastoral       directly at
          team, ensuring the upkeep of our buildings,
          funding youth organisations and various other          Methods of giving:
          church programmes.
                                                                 (a) set up a standing order so that your gift
          Have you ever taken the time to read the verse         goes straight into the church account,
          which is printed on the front of your FWO              (b) donate via Internet banking on your
          envelopes?                                             laptop or smartphone,

                                                                 (c) post cheques in to church
          “On the fi rst day of every week, each                  (remember to include your FWO number
          one of you should set aside a sum of                   as a reference in all of the above methods,
          money in keeping with his income,                      along with the split between FWO, Mission,
          saving it up, so that when I come no                   Building and Utd Appeal)
          collections will have to be made.
          1 Corinthians 16:2, NIV                                (d) drop off your envelopes at church on a
                                                                 Saturday morning between 10:00 and 12:00.
          Notice that the o ering was set aside on the  rst
          day of the week. When we are willing to o er the      May God continue to bless each one of us as we
           rst portion of our wealth back to God, then God      long for the time we can meet together again.
          knows he has our hearts. Each time we get paid
          – no matter what the amount is – when we give          “Bring the whole tithe into the
                                                                 storehouse, that there may be food in
          the “ rst fruits” of that income to God through
          our local church, we are making a tangible             my house. Test me in this,” says the
                                                                 Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not
          declaration that God is our ultimate provider
          and the foundation of our trust. When we give          throw open the fl oodgates of heaven
                                                                 and pour out so much blessing that
          the  rst portion of whatever we make to church,
          we are declaring boldly that no matter what is         there will not be room enough to store
                                                                 it. Then all the nations will call you
          going on around us, our ultimate hope and trust
          is rooted in Christ. No matter what happens, we        blessed, for yours will be a delightful
          are under the shadow of His wings. In this time        land,” says the Lord Almighty.
                                                                 Malachi 3:10,12
          of uncharted  nancial waters, let us encourage
          each other to keep giving to church. It’s not a
          magic wand to keep us in God’s good books.
                                                                 Adrian Pogue
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