Page 21 - Contact Summer 2020
P. 21

Bob’s Store

          Since the lockdown in March there have
          been many changes in how B.O.B’s Store is run.
          For everyone’s safety and because of social
          distancing, we are working from the McCaughey

          For the rst few weeks after the church closed
          because of government legislation no one was
          able to donate food for B.O.B’s Store. Food was
          in short supply in the shops and many items
          were rationed. When I went into the shops and
          asked what quantities of food I could buy and
          explained it was for our church foodbank every
          shop allowed me to buy extra amounts. Shop            Over the last few weeks, Lorraine encouraged
          assistants were curious about B.O.B’s Store,          me to help a little with the delivery of the Bags of
          asking questions, and this opened the door to         Blessing.  I guess I do not really do very much in
          many meaningful conversations. The need for           church by way of service, but I count this a total
          food parcels greatly increased but we could           privilege to help and serve the Lord in this small
          not meet the demand. Some church members              way. Each Friday Trevor and I call at the church
          contacted me wanting to know how and when             where Lorraine has all the deliveries organised
          they could get food donations to us.  One person      and we load up the van.  We both pray that each
          said to me it was time for the church to arise and    family we deliver to, will be totally blessed by the
          WELL ARISE YOU HAVE.                                  generosity of those from our High Kirk church
                                                                who give faithfully each week.  We also try to
          Every Saturday morning in increasing                  put a Gideon New Testament in each bag and
          numbers through rain and shine you come               if possible, in the language of those that will be
          in cars, on bikes and walking to bring your           receiving the food.
          donations. Thank you. There are limitations
          to what you can buy in the shops but you              It may not be much that we do in terms of
          remember B.O.B’s Store and you come out of            service, but knowing that families are receiving a
          your way to deliver food to us. With donations        gift in the name of Jesus is heart-warming.
          of money we are able to go shopping and as
          we have queued to pay for the food, customers         Paula Magee
          in the supermarket have given us money for
          B.O.B’s Store.  One lady came across the
          carpark when we were packing our shopping into
          the car and gave us money. When the agencies
          ring us each week with an ever increasing list of
          names of people in need of food we have been
          able to full those needs. On average we used to
          ll between ten to fteen Bags of Blessings each
          week. Last week we were able to ll 75 bags, all
          with someone’s name on it.  Thank you for the
          love and generosity you are showing each week
          by remembering others in great need. In this
          time of crisis for everyone “We love because He
          rst loved Us” 1 John 4:19

          May God Bless you all XX
          Joan McClelland
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