Page 18 - Contact Summer 2020
P. 18
As I begin this article, I cannot help but At the very start of lockdown, I was so
think back to the rst article I had been asked frustrated at the thought of not being able to
to write for the Contact magazine earlier this get to know people in the church, especially
year which was just over three months ago. the worship team as I was looking forward
I remember feeling excited, a little nervous, to getting started. As with every situation in
but full of anticipation for my new role as our lives we have the opportunity to look for
Director of Worship and thinking about how the negative, which will most likely be easier
there were so many people to get to know in to nd, but also to nd the positives, which
the worship team and the church as a whole. I have done. Due to the restrictions we have
We were excited, as a family, to settle in and had to be very vigilant about the number of
join the di erent organisations that were people in church to record the programs and
available. Never in my wildest dreams did I also keep numbers to only two from di erent
expect to have two weeks ‘on the job’ and households on the platform. I decided
then straight into lockdown and thrust into early on that it was important for me to get to
recording worship in an empty church. Like know the band leaders and work with those
most people watching the story of this crazy who were willing and had the time to practice
pandemic unfold at the beginning of 2020, I and record. This has given me a wonderful
never really thought it would actually come to opportunity to get to know them so much
this, families locked in their homes for weeks better than I ever would have during a band
and months, with no end in sight or de nitive practice or Sunday service. One of the most
way forward. Initially there was some notion important things for me, before I would make
of novelty as I could spend more time with any decisions or changes to the teams, is to
my husband and children, no more packed build relationship and this is exactly what
lunches…yes! Home-schooling wasn’t too we’ve been able to do. We get time to
big of an issue as I had taught in a christian practice together one to one and talk about
school before and we had home schooled in our likes and dislikes, strengths and
the Philippines for a period of time, but as the weaknesses, and generally get to know
days rolled into weeks and now months, the each other better.
novelty has well and truly worn o and
the reality of isolation has turned into
desperation to get back to normal
interaction with family, friends and
church family.