Page 6 - Contact Summer 2020
P. 6


            R EP OR T  2019

            I write this report in the most surreal of          Technology has been installing a new CCTV
            times, which much has been said about so I          system, door entry systems, and TV screens
            will try not to repeat. Unfortunately, we  nd      to stream various content, with the new online
            ourselves apart as a fellowship, mostly now         services adding signi cantly to their workload.
            connected by electronics and screens.               Catering has seen a steady increase in
            Normally this report would be delivered by          demand and has welcomed four new
            myself in the Sanctuary at our annual general       volunteers this past year to help deal with
            meeting! For me, not having to verbally             that. The Building subgroup remains focused
            deliver this report is one positive and probably    on our buildings, having recently identi ed
            for most of you, dodging that experience, is        faults in the Sanctuary roof.  A plan of action
            good also.                                          was set out and passed through the main
                                                                committee, with works planned to be
            Thankfully our fellowship has had another           completed this summer. The Admin and
            very blessed year. Notably, our building fund       Personnel subgroup has dealt with several
            has seen such generosity in the loans,              changes in sta , put in place some new sta
            contributions and gifts from our members.           policies and oversaw Diane’s return to work
            We had considered at one stage, the need to         in October 2019.
            borrow up to one million pounds! That’s a lot
            of zeros and when you factor in the chargeable      The Communications subgroup have
            interest from our lender, well that’s even more     implemented a new piece of software called
            zeros. God, however, blessed our faith in his       ChurchSuite, which many of you will now be
            plans and we don’t have a bank loan to repay.       familiar with, in helping to organise rotas. The
            We have contributed over one million                system is being continually expanded and has
            pounds to date and have another £400,000            required many hours of work to put in place.
            approximately to repay, of which no interest is     I want to thank James Hamill, as outgoing
            being charged. Incredible! However, we should       Treasurer, for the work he has contributed to
            not be surprised when we consider how               the running of the church  nances and
            gracious God has been to us in the past. If we      welcome Adrian Pogue as our new Church
            continue, as we must, to remain ‘in him’ this       Treasurer. Both men work alongside the
            surely won’t change.                                Finance subgroup and oversee many policies
                                                                and procedures which protect and manage the
            I want to thank the Congregational Committee        huge sums of money, which pass through our
            members who put in many sel˜ ess hours.             church.
            I do, however, want to single out the subgroup
            convenors who have so patiently put up with         This summary doesn’t communicate the vast
            constant demands for information and                number of hours and the extent of the work
            reports. So, to Brian Adams, Uel Marcus,            carried out by the congregational committee
            Philip McCartney, Jim Millar, Marie Hamilton        on behalf of the congregation. Indeed, the
            and Richard Marshall, your commitment and           congregation are indebted to all who serve so
            perseverance are truly appreciated. These           faithfully in the congregational committee.
            subgroups have been very busy and successful
            this past year.                                     One matter of deep regret is the loss of
                                                                our brother, friend and serving committee
                                                                member this past year, James Stevenson.
                                                                I miss his wisdom, quick wit and that wicked
                                                                sense of humour which was always
                                                                accompanied with a wide grin and
                                                                mischievous glint in his eyes.
                                                                I miss you, Jimmy.
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