Page 7 - Contact Summer 2020
P. 7
To our Sta , I also want to extend my gratitude One last thing. I’ve had a persistent feeling
for all you do for our congregation. We continue with me for several weeks about the balance
to be blessed with meaningful and challenging we all individually and collectively, as a church,
teaching from Norman and Keith. We should need to strike. On one side, the need to protect
remind ourselves how fortunate we are to sit ourselves, families and the community through
under two such talented and spirit-lead safe distancing. On the other hand, the
teachers and not to take that for granted. requirement to make ourselves available in
Keith’s recent daily encouragements have true sacri cial service to those in need; not
allowed us to glimpse the person underneath only those who need basics like food but also
the job. Thank you, Keith, for having the to be sensitive to those around us who are
courage to show your vulnerabilities to us and su ering even though they may say they are
be encouraged as it has proved very powerful doing ne. That we don’t hunker down so much
in its witness to many! Bob’s store has for safety’s sake and therefore miss what
continued to ourish and is especially busy Christ has commissioned us to carry through.
now in this current pandemic. To Lorraine If there was a time where Church can lead by
and Nicky, we appreciate how you have both example, it is surely now. It’s about o ering
worked so hard in delivering this important ourselves sacri cially. God wants us to o er all
outreach, alongside your many other pastoral of ourselves - our time, attitudes, possessions,
duties. ears, mouths, feet, heads and hearts. Paul
describes in the rst eleven chapters of
I welcome Cli ord, Stephanie and Rachel as Romans, the sacri ce of Christ for us. He then,
the most recent additions to the sta team. in Chapter 12, urges us that given God’s
We are privileged to have such talented and mercy to us that we need to o er our lives as
enthusiastic people join us. Our young people a sacri ce to God. Eugene Peterson puts it this
have bene ted greatly from the teaching and way “So here’s what I want you to do, God
support o ered by Cli ord and Stephanie; and helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary
Rachel, I also want to thank you for blessing us life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work
with your obvious gifts of leading praise and and walking-around life - and place it
ushering us so sensitively into the presence of before God as an offering. Embracing what
God. I’m sure when you joined us, you could God does for you is the best thing you can
never have imagined leading us all on-line! Very do for him”. (Romans 12:1-2)
di erent times indeed! To Ian, Diane, Emily
and Tina who are furloughed at present due Our blessing and our challenges are to keep on
to our building being closed, thank you for all o ering our lives sacri cially to God, and those
your hard work in the past and we look forward around us o ering the whole of our life for the
to having you back at your rightful positions whole of our life.
soon. I feel it’s important to mention four other
people who deserve our gratitude during these David Kirk
strange times. I’m told our on-line Sunday Committ ee Secretary
services take around 50-55 hours of work
to produce the content we all enjoy. This is a
massive commitment for Gareth Marcus, Brian
Adams, Bryan McKibbin and Alan Kirk who
already lead busy lives. Can I encourage you,
gentlemen, that your work is of the highest
professional standards and any words I can
o er cannot ably convey mine and the
congregation’s utmost appreciation of
this ongoing task. Thank you.