Page 9 - Contact Summer 2020
P. 9
On Sunday March 22nd, Cafe Explore had The meetings take a similar form to main
its last meeting. church. We have worship from different
members of the worship team, and then
It would never have crossed our minds, I preach the word. Simple but effective.
that because of the pandemic, businesses, People are still being taught, blessed and
schools, shops and of course churches would challenged. Virtual Church helped to
close. I know for many of us it brought to maintain the close and open bond of
mind the fragility of life as we know it. A new fellowship that people in Cafe Explore
uncertainty entered into our lives, and things have.
were about to change beyond recognition.
Many of our people are either not saved or
As Church started to find the “new norm” young in the faith and this could have proved
we in Cafe Explore also began to adapt. to be a very difficult time for them. Some
Within a couple of weeks of closure, we had have faced difficult medical issues in the last
our meetings up and running again, albeit in few weeks with family members and some
a disjointed fashion until we got the help of have sadly lost loved ones.
Bryan McKibbin.
The one thing I can say for certain is this:
There has been a wonderful display of love
and encouragement from the members to all
who have been hurting. For this I want to say
a big thank you. I want to encourage you to
stay standing and keep trusting in Jesus until
we meet again face to face.
Willis McDowell