Page 8 - Contact Summer 2020
P. 8
Thoughts on Pastoral Care
During the last number of weeks while We are, I think, getting a bit weary of this
we have been unable to meet together as a now and really miss chatting, telling stories,
church family, it has been even more impor- laughing, crying and worshipping together.
tant to keep in touch with one another, by The summer months are coming but we still
telephone or email or even video calling. don’t really know if we will get a break away
This has proved challenging to facilitate from our immediate surroundings and can
comprehensively and consistently in such feel we have nothing to look forward to.
a large congregation. Can I encourage you to keep going, especially
over these summer months. Take some time
Our services are broadcast online every week to rest in God’s presence, allow Him to minis-
and CD’s or DVD’s of these are available and ter to you and strengthen you. Please con-
have been distributed to those who have let tinue to reach out to others, especially those
us know they would like them. The Elders, who pop into your mind. It is amazing how
Norman and myself are continuing to try God brings someone to your mind who just
to contact as many people as possible. Life needs a little encouragement and to know
Group leaders and ministry leaders eg GB, that they are thought of and prayed for.
etc have been keeping in contact with their This is for a time, a season - it will end. We
groups, leaders and helpers and are caring don’t know yet what life, or church, will look
for each other pastorally in this way. I, for in the next few months but God knows. He is
one, really miss being able to sit in the same our hope and our future.
room as someone, to oer a listening ear
and a comforting hug if required. Talking and Although we were unable to have our Ladies
praying over the phone is good but just not weekend this year, I think our theme was very
the same. This time of separation is going to denitely for this time:
go on longer than any of us anticipated -
especially for some of our senior members Fearless: ‘For God has not given us a
and those with long term health concerns. spirit of fear and timidity, but of power,
This makes how we pastorally care for each love and self discipline’ (2 Tim 1:7)
other a real challenge and we need to look at
ways of doing this that are sustainable and As we look towards the next few weeks and
helpful to all involved. months, I pray that we can be excited about
what is ahead because we are following God’s
I am so thankful for all of you who leading. Even though there will be lots of
have called, texted, delivered cards and challenges, and ministries may look very
communicated with each other, whether dierent, we can be sure that God is with us
members of our church family, neighbours and we can walk fearlessly in His power and
and friends and all of you who continue to love. Take care of yourselves and one another.
support BOB’s store with such generosity.
The compassion and thoughtfulness you Much love
show is incredible. Nikki Gillan
If you would like CD’s,
or need prayer or
pastoral support please
contact me on
07930336369 or